Hibiscus and dinner with friends

Dear Shaded Viewers,

As you know I met with Earl Pickens earlier in the day and we drank hibiscus tea, it looks a bit like it came out of David Cronenberg’s eXistenZ, but I know it will change my life so I will find it tomorrow. Thank you Earl for that.


I received this illustration in the mail today from IQONIAN, Asi from Iceland.


I had dinner with my friends at Amici Miei, Antoine Asseraf is trying out pizzas for his food Geek website and Yoann Lemoine and Giorgio Martinoli were in on the critic. Giorgio says this was not Italian pizza. Next stop Maria Luisa.
Giorgio Martinoli and Antoine Asseraf Yoann Lemoine



Giorgio Martinoli

New Year’s resolution, drink a litre of hibiscus a day

Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.