The Woolmark Company and La Caserne . , , , . When La Caserne first launched, two years ago, they did a presentation to introduce their mission to Parisians, mostly from the 10th district, -Where it is located-. It seemed like it would be one of those D-class fashion projects that never really make it to be influential, but they have very smartly connected themselves to strong fashion profiles, like The Woolmark Company and Lucien Pages, who were in charge of the PR for the event.
Additionally to the social gathering, there was a small pop-up exhibition about Thebe Magugu and Casablanca, the winners of the Woolmark Prize last year. The exposition was humble in size and execution, but very tasteful and well accomplished; the little prop details decorating the scene and the mannequins were quite inspiring.
Every fashion person from Paris came to the event, at least shorter. Catherine Roitefeld was there, young and established designers came to make a little round at the cocktail. The unforgiving crowd in front of the different catering tables was nevertheless quaint and made you sigh of hope, dressing up is cool again, menswear and couture Paris Fashion Week is coming to physical shows, and the world is healing.