Last Days: CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS HAS 02. Text by Ivo Barraza Castaneda.
HAS- Humanities, Arts and Society is a new exciting online magazine. HAS mixes humanities and visual arts with the conviction that this team can make a true impact in society.
The call for contributions for the second issue which is tittled “Between Anxiety and Hope” is reaching its deadline soon, September 20th. But do not hesitate to check the link bellow if you have a project you would like to share and get published in the fields of but not limited to philosophy, history, anthropology, archaeology, literature, sociology, economics, political science, and post-humanities scholarship.
Patrice Mugnier/Active Creative Design, Musée de l’Homme – HAS 01
Hello, my name is Ivo. My three favorite things in life are: Thinking deeply about visual creation. I like having long discussions of ideas that might reinvent the course of history. And finally, spending time with the people I love.
Since I was a child, I was always involved in some activity around plastic arts, music and literature. That’s how I learned to sew by hand at the age of five, which later led me to focus on my main professional media: Fashion Design.