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The Festival Agir pour le Vivant (Acting for the Living Festival) will welcome Alejandro Jodorowsky to Arles for a psychomagic evening at the Théâtre Antique on August 27 at 9 PM. This event, titled “An Art for Healing,” will be moderated by his close collaborator Donatien Grau. On August 28 at 4 PM, there will be a screening of the film “Psychomagic, An Art for Healing” at the Cinéma du Méjan in Arles, followed by a discussion and book signing with Alejandro Jodorowsky. The event will focus on his film and his book “The Way of Imagination,” published by Actes Sud. Information and tickets are available atagirpourlevivant.fr.
“La Voie de l’imagination” (The Way of Imagination) by Alejandro Jodorowsky focuses on the development of imagination as a form of healing. The book compiles decades of reflections and practices in psychomagic, along with an introduction to psychotrance. Key aspects of the book include Jodorowsky’s long-standing work and insights into psychomagic techniques, an introduction to the concept of psychotrance, the use of imagination as a therapeutic tool, and an accessible approach making it an excellent introduction to his work. Jodorowsky emphasizes that “for our unconscious, everything we imagine is real,” highlighting the power of imagination in influencing our psyche.
The underlying philosophy of psychomagic according to Alejandro Jodorowsky is based on performing symbolic acts to heal psychological blockages. Jodorowsky suggests that psychomagic teaches reason to speak the language of dreams, allowing individuals to dissolve unconscious barriers and liberate themselves. Unlike traditional psychoanalysis, which identifies the sources of ailments without necessarily resolving them, psychomagic employs creativity to carry out therapeutic acts in response to traumas or mental states, often of genealogical origin. Jodorowsky believes that these symbolic acts, by mobilizing imagination and creativity, can restore balance and inner peace in individuals.