Some Where Some Time opens today at 3537 – Cafe 3537 opens July 18th from 11am – 7 pm

Dear Shaded Viewers,

A little update on what is happening at 3537, today is the opening of the new exhibition Some Where Some Time and has artists: Albane Gayet, Amine Habki, Arthur Coquille, Carla Gueye, Come Ferrasse, Justin Matringe, Valentin Begarin Zoé Avot, Zoé Moineaud exhibited in scattered spaces in 3537. Their work writes of a time neither past, nor present, nor future that takes shape.


time /taɪm/ noun Indefinite continuity, environment where the succession of events and phenomena takes place, changes, movements and their representation in the consciousness.

space /speɪs/ noun Extent that does not impede movement

Cafe 3537 opens July 18th designed by Djeason Valerio and Louis Kotchine with simple food like sandwiches with cheese and tomato, peanut butter and jelly, nothing complicated just simple, good basic ingredients in a space  where you can relax and chill. The cafe is on the ground floor rontunda – terrace-Courtyard. Hours are 11h – 19h.

Meanwhile you can check out the exhibition by ÉCOLE DUPERRÉ PARIS. The students graduating in 2022 present their achievements.

July 19th there is the 6th session of the Proême Reading Club will discuss «The Little Light» by Antonio Moresco, a mysterious and contemplative work that questions our desire for solitude and our relationship with nature.

Starting July 27th to August 7th the team 3537  bring you the 3rd edition with more than 30 multidisciplinary artists who take over the building for two weeks in the Exposition Collective Libre #3.



Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.