TAKAHIROMIYASHITATheSoloist Spring Summer 2021 – PFW – Text by Ivo Barraza Castaneda.

Japanese fashion designer Takahiro Miyashita showed his Spring Summer 2021 collection in a video presentation in the platform of Paris Fashion Week. The film starts with a couple of hands, wearing finger cut gloves using a blade to cut words out of what seems to be a book. We find these cut outs, or the idea of them later interpreted as prints in the collection.



The way the video has been colored is quite interesting, it creates an effect of the image being washed, I imagine this is achieved by lowering the transparency of each video layer, it is a little more evident when there are actually multiple layers playing in the screen. the model selection is quite right, he gives a sense of youth and video game character to the presentation, helped of course by the audio of the film. Also, amazing androgen look!

The graphic sensibility of the brand makes itself evident in the film, from the editorial design picked for the book of the cutouts, to the way that red “coding” typo appears in the end. It comes across as a whole universe of the unfinished, which you can also find in the clothes and the use of materials like staples and nails as embellishments, just ideas you don’t usually see on clothing or that are not considered precious at all.






Ivo Barraza Castaneda

Hello, my name is Ivo. My three favorite things in life are: Thinking deeply about visual creation. I like having long discussions of ideas that might reinvent the course of history. And finally, spending time with the people I love. Since I was a child, I was always involved in some activity around plastic arts, music and literature. That’s how I learned to sew by hand at the age of five, which later led me to focus on my main professional media: Fashion Design.