During the lockdown period ASVOFF 12 has created a new challenge for you…we want to see your home movies. Go to www.asvoff.com click Submissions LOCK DOWN. You can make  it on your mobile and send the link to your material by wetransfer to submissions@asvoff.com along with the filled out submission form. You must have the rights to the music. There are a few sites: you can check out that have royalty free music:

Creator Studio (fb) platform of emerging artists that can be downloaded for free without copyright and can be used on all social platforms without problem!!


A film history class discusses Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” during quarantine when a student, Billy, is attacked. Charlie James, another student, is the only person to see what happened.
Colton Johnson is a VCUarts Cinema student. He has worked on dozens of productions ranging from short films and music videos to YouTube vlogs, gaming videos, and more. Colton’s previous jobs include work as a Grip, Cam Op, Director, and Producer. When he’s not on set, he can be found watching movies, binge-watching his favorite shows or doing his homework.

MUSIC – “William Tell Overture” by Rossini
CAST-J . M. Tyree, Colton Johnson, Camden Walent, Emily Dunn, Autumn Brian, Chanthen Nene, Neema Nene, Amanda Feldman, Miranda Hugo, Carson Brooke, Jake Bruno, Kenneth Franklin, Ronaldo Antezana, Phillip Martter

Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.