“We’ve Updated Our Privacy Policy” was created after receiving a rather distressing email from a hacker demanding that I pay 2000 euros, lest he would send stolen images of me masturbating to all of my contacts.
Technology advances rapidly, as does cyber warfare. Our device, apps and social media are compromised. Our confidentiality and personal information victimized. Every intimate aspect and detail of our lives are exposed. This volatility leaves us uncertain as to where lies our intimacy.
In executing, “We’ve Updated Our Privacy Policy“, I want to establish a unique and individual conversation between the artist and the viewer.
My project is to release printed images of my intimacy, recreating an authentic and material link with my audience, while using tools of the virtual media world, despite its volatilities.
This project is also a way for me to denounce a paradoxical concomitance in the digital media: we live in a world where ultra violent content is not violent enough to be edited; yet, extreme censorship permeates most societies.
Digital media have jeopardized the distinction between pornography and art. How are representations of blatant gluttony not more destructive than those of human pleasure? “We’ve Updated Our Privacy Policy”, is a recovery of our robbed intimacy.
This exhibition is the result of my interactions on social networks, including Instagram, my exchanges with the hacker and a crowdfunding with different levels that will allow my audience to acquire the individual pieces of my renewed privacy.
All art photographic and video-graphic imagines are the property of Pierre Barbrel. Duplication is prohibited. All art associated with this project is intended for adults.”
Text Pierre Barbrel