Bijules and her Incubator Project – Bijules photos by Kristii Nawilson – images shot by @gabilincoln @angelymartinez jewelry under the @bijulesincubator

Dear Shaded Viewers,

Jules Kim aka Bijules started an incubator where she fosters emerging and independent jewelry brands. The initiative grew out of the lack of ethical approach to business in fashion and her awareness on practices such as copyright infringement. “I have been knocked off incessantly. The instinctual defense that comes up for an independent designer or creative in this situation takes a lot of energy and funding, copyrighting is an act of controlling ownership of intellectual property; whereas, “copyleft” feels more open and less negative. I am sharing what 15 years in the fashion and luxury trades has taught me and I do not believe those lessons are exclusive to just me. There have been epic mistakes and sincere wins, all of which invigorate future designers hopes and pursuits. It is my intention to foster talent through the Bijules filter and effectively launch brands who support the same manifesto.” Said Jules Kim aka Bijules. Her mantra is: “Who we are determines what we make. What we make is not for everyone.” Bijules Incubator. Below: Angely Martinez

The BIJULES INCUBATOR is a jewelry talent development program for emerging and independent designers, artists and brands that create because it is who they are. Simply believe in what is right. Do what is right and support the right ones.

Jules Kim aka Bijules started her business when she was 22 with 300$ and with that moved from Richmond, Virginia to NYC. She was, and still does, DJ and throw parties but her real focus is on creating Bijules where she creates statement jewelry pieces. She has an impressive amount of celebrity clients and has seen her work on stage and magazine covers. Her vast experience puts her in a good position to consult and empower others, hence the Bijules Incubator was born.

The platform also serves Bijules as a consultant. The designers and brands come through and pay for a one-hour consultation or retain services based on an overall projection of their needs. Jules will help seek fundraising through both ‘I fund women’ and ‘the NYC Foundation for the Arts.’

Bijules has always taken on a leadership role as it is part of her DNA. One thing she is not is a follower and she doesn’t believe that successful creatives are either. She felt the role she must play is the one that was lacking in her trajectory, that of a mentor proposing a support system. “I feel that it is my responsibility to ready talent for a global market. I still am extremely active in and if a new talent enters into the system and leads with a mistake as grave as ripping off a piece to build a collection from; then I could have stopped that behavior. It is unethical and perhaps completely unintentional because not one of their professors in University told them that creativity emerges from instinct not your Instagram feed.” Said Bijules. So far Bijules has generated a series of workshops which vary in subjects, called the ‘Glean Machine’, attendees can be part of a bigger conversation and glean through the experience of shared stories and driven conversations. Their last ‘glean machine’ was hosted by an independent retailer, wolf and badger in NYC. Currently Bijules has erected a pop-up shop at 322 Canal Street in partnership with ‘on canal’ and ‘new york city jewelry week’ the most current ‘incubatee is Angely Martinez, who’s jewelry is pictured here.

Angely Martinez is one of Bijules former assistants who is a skilled artisan as well as a thoughtful designer. “I installed her workbench in my pop up on canal street and there she has been building her collection by hand with jeweler tools and techniques. Since August she’s been slaving away every day to create a robust collection made of silver, semi-precious gems and glass.” said Jules Kim.

images shot by @gabilincoln @angelymartinezjewelry under the @bijulesincubator


Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.