Press conference ASVOFF 9 Balkan Fashion Week

Nu Boyana Film Studios

Yariv Lerner, Nu Boyana Film Studios

Yariv Lerner

Maria Koleva, Kristin Aeds, Lyonny and , Mila Zaharieva Balkan Fashion Week

Myra Postolache

ASVOFF 9 – Balkan Fashion Week Press Conference



NU Boyana Film Studios

shot on location at Nu Boyana Film Studios

shot on location at Nu Boyana Film Studios

shot on location at Nu Boyana Film Studios


Mila Zaharieva Kristin Aeds

DP takes photo of Yariv Lerner, CEO of Nu Boyana Film Studios

ASVOFF 9 9-10 June

Balkan Fashion Week June 5 – 10

Lyonny, Kristen Aeds, Maria Koleva, Teddy Guergova, Myra, Mila Zaharieva
Dear Shaded Viewers,
The international launch of ASVOFF 9 will take place at Nu Boyana Studios, the Hollywood of the Balkans, on the final two days of Balkan Fashion Week which opens June 5 and ends June 10th. ASVOFF 9 takes over June 9 and 10. A press conference took place at the Nu Boyana Studios April 12th to announce our future plans. The CEO of Nu Boyana Studios, Yariv Lerner, gives his great support in this undertaking. Here are a few images from our press conference and also a few scenes of films shot at the Nu Boyana Studios.
Diane Pernet
A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.