Dear Diane, dear Shaded Viewers… I'm running up and down visiting the different venues of the 9th Berlin Biennale, curated by DIS collective. You've probably heard of them if you're breathing the net… They've done a great job on both the selection and display, and of course on the conceptual structure that gives sense to it all. It's a very open and precise biennale, keeping in the center of it both their intellectual and playful analisys of contemporary culture.
I strongly suggest you to check their website that's an important part of the event. Perhaps you'll get confused by it's jargon and semi-criptic arty lengauge, while at the same time it will feel familiar… That's the great thing of The present in drag. It demonstrates that reality is betwixed.
Fashionwise, the presence of Telfar -the NY designer- is emphasized at the entrance of the Akademie der kunst while Centre for Style, one flor above, transforms a runway in a backstage.
I'll be posting soon on the other european Biennale, Manifesta in Zurich, that starts the 11th of this month.