Dear Shaded Viewers,
My old friend, Walter Cessna, is curating his first show for The Leslie-Lohman Museum of LGBT Art. It's called INTERFACE. For this he has assembeled what he believes to be the "the most underground, about to be major, wise beyond their years, booming with enthusiasm, raw, real, honest and utterly correct artists."
INTERFACE Queer Artists Forming Communities Through Social Media
Curated by Walt Cessna
May 15th 6-8pm @ Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art
VACZINE 2 / INTERFACE Art Directed by Frank Gargiulo & sponsored by Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art will be available for $20 each and completely benefits the museum.. There will be 10 special issues signed by each of the Interface artists available for $50 which entitles you to a private tour of the exhibit by curator & Vaczine Magazine publisher Walt Cessna any time while it is open.This also completely benefits the museum.
Hosted by Mark Dommu, Katherine Lanziero & MachineDazzle Flower
DJ Sheba Legend Special Performance by BOY WOLF
Featuring Scooter LaForge, Slava Mogutin, Brian Kenny, Maria Pineres, Joel Handorff, William Spangenberg, Leo Herrera, Ethan Shoshan, Muffinhead, Natasha Gornik, Isauro Cairo, Brett Lindell, Alesia Exum, Bubi Canal, Dietmar Busse, Benjamin Fredrickson, Derek DeWitt, Walt Cassidy, James Salaiz, Tom Taylor Diego Montoya, Erika Keck, Gio Black Peter, Ben Copperwheat, Chuck Nitzberg, Jordan Eagles, Naruki Kukita, Adrian Carroll, George Towne, Allen Todd Yaeger & Chick Byrne.
3D sculpture by William Spangenberg for INTERFACE
Painting by Brian Kenny for INTERFACE
Future Ritual by Diego Montoya for INTERFACE
Joseph St. Laurent by Dietmar Busse for INTERFACE
VACZINE logo by Frank Gargiulo
Motherfuckers by Superm for INTERFACE