Wilting Point by Millie Brown. Photography by Steff Walk.

Dear Diane and Shaded Viewers,

Paol Serret once said: "Sacrifice is in the daily routine of an artist's life. Without it the artist cannot embrace the essence of creativity." Millie Brown's work sees her own body literally become the site of this sacrifice. The artist, known for her vomit paintings and previous collaborations with the likes of Lady Gaga and Nick Knight, takes this adage to new heights with her latest performance piece, Wilting Point, which sees Brown isolated in a room at New York's Refinery Hotel, encased by a carpet of fresh flowers, subsisting on nothing but water for 168 hours.

Viewers can watch a 24-hour live stream of the installation through May 15th on the V magazine website. The piece is described as both an immersion "in a meditative state where she will focus on the beauty of the external decomposition around her, and the evolving changes within", whilst also bringing to mind concepts of surveillance and ephemerality. No matter through what lens one decides to view Wilting Point, it decidedly marks the latest intriguing installment in this YBA's catalogue of work.



