Dear Shaded Viewers,
This was my second time attending Preview in Daegu -one of Korea's most important and international textile fairs- and I was impressed with the level of craftsmanship displayed by local exhibitors. Despite showcasing the latest developments in fabric research and technological advances, the fair also dedicates a large segment to historical costumes and ancestral traditions, which I found the most interesting. Vegetable dyeing and hand-painted fabrics -as well as unique treatments and complex washes- have been part of Korea's textile identity for centuries, updating timeless outfits to make them relevant. Artisans often spend days dyeing and assembling items together, which are then used for official events. I love the shapes of traditional Korean dress, which applies to both men and women. On the second day of our visit to the fair, I met this lovely lady who accepted to model for me. She was sweet and very elegant.
The next edition of Preview in Daegu will take place at the beginning of March next year.