Festival D’automne a Paris – Eternity Dress Ideato da Olivier Saillard, Direttore del Palais Galliera, mus

Dear Shaded Viewers,

Last night I attended the performance of Olivier Saillard/Tilda Swinton – Eternity Dress. The concept of the performance was to follow the design of one dress – made on the actress/fashion muse, Tilda Swinton. It took us from the measurements, Olivier Saillard expertly wrapped the tape measure around her perfect body while Tilda verbalized the measurements. Following the measurements was the paper pattern, the muslin which was cut and sewn by TIlda. The performance was inspired by a method found in the museum's collections from the 1950's. 

The performance takes place at Ecole des Beaux Arts 14 rue Bonaparte 75006

20 – 24 November 

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 19h, Saturday 16h and 19h and Sunday 15h and 18h. Tickets are 15 EUROS and 20 EUROS

The photos are by Piero Biasion

Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.