CuteCircuit at Holon Fashion Week – by Silvia Bombardini


Dear Shaded Viewers and Diane,


Speaking of brilliant ideas, none could shine brighter than that of Francesca Rosella and Ryan Genz of London based brand CuteCircuit. Their flowing, fulgent eveningwear is embroider with tens of thousands of the tiniest and smartest LEDs, as if woven directly from the starlit sky, and would make Donkeyskin's impossible dresses look like rather demure requests.

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Worn by U2 and Katy Perry among many others, their luminous interactive pieces have lit up worldwide stages and red carpets, last but not least that of Holon's Fashion Week on the opening night at the Ron Arad's Design Museum. Thanks to a specifically developed software, they can now not only receive and display tweets from their fans, but choreograph light patterns to match movement and music, turning CuteCircuit creations into a pop star's wet dream.

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Still, as Ryan and Francesca pointed out in their lecture, it's not in their intention to design science fiction, nor have their work only exposed in museums. Their ready-to-wear line and T-Shirt OS ("the t-shirt that does everything") are the more wearable and affordable counterparts to the glowing wonders of the Galaxy or Aurora Dresses. They can be washed, receive warm hugs via Bluetooth, or host a SIM card inside their label to then answer phone calls through their sleeves. As illustrated in the short film below, they are made to have fun with, and not to be treated nicely.



