22 years ago somewhere between Luxor and Aswan..and the only time you will see me in flat shoes


Any of my readers know where this comes from, could it be Abu Simbel? I know it is on the way from Luxor to Aswan…

Dear Shaded Viewers,

Inspired by Glenn Belverio's post and his excitement on his impending travel to Egypt, I found these images from my only trip to Egypt, December 1990 invited by Dik Brandsma…

1990 copy 5
A rare moment in flat shoes and being practical…..

N1990 copy 6

I had just moved to Paris, October 3, 1990 when Dik Brandsma, who I knew for a grand total of 3 weeks, if that, invited me to spend Christmas in Egypt with him. It is not that he was a total stranger, practically, but he was a dear friend of one of my close friends, Stephen di Pietri, and that was how/why we met. It was a really funny and great trip. Could have gone either way as it is not easy for a loner like me to be 24/7 with anyone and on top of it, someone I hardly knew.

At any rate since Glenn Belverio is leaving for Cairo in a few weeks I'd love him to see these amazing

Egyptian hieroglyphics, so Abu Simbel?



Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.