WIth the curator of the exhibition, Cristiano Seganfreddo
Dear Shaded Viewers,
Sonny just sent me these images and I know I already posted about the event, but…I want to post again.
The last three show invitations all illustrated by Rodger Duncan, a very dear friend, gone but not forgotten.
First husband in the upper left corner, Norman Davids, a pretty hot looking Dentist, don't you think. That is how we met, I was getting my teeth cleaned and it was love at first sight. You will read all about this and much more when my autobiography comes out some time next year.
Some laser copies of press that are peeling off of the wall with the intense heat.
A 1981 show invitation with my second husband Randy Carnes, he used to do the accessories for my shows but in reality was a composer.
Discovering the Flaneur & Dust little black box which contains fragments of reality. Fragmets of memories. The Flaneur & Dust editions are visual poems and they are meant to be kept with you , original prints, to be opened , to be carried as a part of ourselves for when we need something unsaid. I treasure this little black box. www.flaneur.it.
BOF's Imran Amed, before the show opened he passed by and I was very happy to see him here.
If you are in Milan, the show is up until September 15th Corridor and Stairs via S. Spirito 17 – Milano