Outside the Boscolo Exedra Hotel
Yigit Turhan, Social Media Specialist for ZEGNA
Dear Shaded Viewers,
Tonight 800 guests were invited to celebrate Zegna Art at the MAXXI Museum in Rome.
Zegna's power team, Carlo Beretta and Stefano Miglio two very charming men from Ermenegildo Zegna
Imagine my surprise when I found out my old friend, might add first friend I had in Paris 21 years ago, Philippe Cohen Solal aka Gotan Project, was the DJ tonight.
Philippe Cohen Solal tonight's DJ
Senio Zapruder, Lydia and I became Gotan Project groupies
Philippe wanted to get the crowd on their feet and dancing and that he certainly did.
Philippe Cohen Solal aka Gotan Project
The party went on till 1 am.