Greetings from behind the Bamboo Curtain: Glenn Belverio in Beijing

Above: A vestige of Maoism in the hutong of Dongcheng district

Dear Shaded Viewers,

I'm here in Beijing for 5 days or so, visiting my friend Aric Chen who is the Creative Director of Beijing Design Week (coming up in late September). I'm rushing over to the 798 Art District in a few minutes but wanted to share a few moments from my first 2 days in this fantastic city. Highlights so far include strolling through the hutong, a visit to cutting-edge fashion & design shop located in the garden of the last Empress of China (Wuhao – stayed tuned for my full report on this space), and amazing dinners with locals and the international jet set who are in this non-stop town–which makes New York look like a sleepy podunk in comparison.

The big topic at dinner last night was that Ai Weiwei has been charged with "tax evasion" and "circulating nude photos of himself on the internet." My friends here say that the international community isn't doing him any favors by creating such a global uproar and demanding his release. The Chinese Communist Party will never allow themselves to appear to be bowing to external pressure; they will release Ai Weiwei when THEY decide the time is right. That's just how things work here in the world's number 2 Super Power.


Me in the last empress' garden. There is a similar photo of her standing under this well-preserved arch from the early days of the 20th century.

Went to dinner last night with a group of people at a terrific Sichuan restaurant. Here's photographer Zach Gold – he had a film in the ASVOFF programme last year.



New York fashion stylist Julie Ragolia. She was on the cover of The Sartorialist's book.

Shaway Yeh and Aric Chen


Rising art star Yan Xing. Only 25 and his work is showing in galleries all over the world, including in New York and London. We all had a boozy conversation about a piece he appears in, naked with disco mirror balls shooting out of his ass. Or something like that. You can check out his blog here:


Me and my kiwi martini, loving every second of Beijing.


Glenn Belverio


Glenn Belverio

Glenn Belverio is a writer and New Yorker. He has been reporting for ASVOF since 2005 and currently works at The Museum of Modern Art as the Content Manager for MoMA Design Store.