Dear Diane and Shaded Viewers, "Visual Research Methods in Fashion" is a book by Julia Gaimster who is Head of eLEARNING at the London College of Fashion.
"The ability to analyze and interpret information is essential in fashion. However students tend to struggle with the concept of visual research as well as with the application of that research."
Dr Julia Gaimster of London College of Fashion features Filep Motwary in the new book Visual Research Methods in Fashion to be published by Berg. Filep also provided the cover image.
The book contains interviews with specialists from across the global fashion industry including forecasters, bloggers, fashion photographers, illustrators, designers, marketers and journalists. They share their approaches to visual research, their methods and tips for success.
Topics covered include strategies for information seeking, sources of inspiration, colour theory and practice, fashion forecasting, textiles and trimmings, concept development, traditional and technological tools and presentation techniques.
Julia Gaimster says