As the lights came up at Neon, a tableau vivant of models holding extravagant poses had the crowd clapping wildly before the first look breezed down the runway. The wildly popular designer duo, Dudu and Rita, had clearly looked to Schiaparelli's kooky Surrealist style for inspiration, translating into a host of campy looks, like a dress that looked like a little Japanese girl's face, or another that assumed the shape of a pair of sunglasses when the model extended her arms (and held them there for a good 5 minutes, which must have been exhausting.) A long red gown was embellished from top to bottom with gold pins in the shape of lips, a favorite Surrealist motif. Neon is all about the kind of exuberance that died out after the 80's – if the results usually look more like the work of stylists (which Dudu and Rita started out as) rather than technically accomplished designers, well who cares? Neon is a label that is all about attitude and spirit and having a lot of fun, and from the catcalls and hoots that accompanied the standing ovation as the designers came out to take their bow, it's clear that's what their audience cares about.