Dear Shaded Viewers,
It's no secret that King Karl knows how to turn something that could seem bourgeois into a young and funky look. He did precisely that at Fendi where he showed an incredibly luxurious -but also terribly laid-back- collection. Think Fassbinder films, the 1940s and easy glamour. The hair was perfect, but tousled, the furs were precious, but patchworked and those swinging, jersey pieces were flirty enough for a good time.
Philippe Pourhashemi
A freelance fashion writer, consultant and stylist, Philippe Pourhashemi was born in Tehran in 1976. He grew up in Paris, before moving to Scotland to study Foreign Languages. His passions are fashion and culture, as well as music and film. He writes and styles features for Metal in Barcelona, Behind the Blinds in Brussels, Contributor in Stockholm, Veoir in New York and SKP in Beijing. He was named Fucking Young's Editor-at-Large in 2016 and has contributed to ASVOF since 2008, acting as Correspondent-at-Large since 2012. An avid traveler, he likes to explore exotic fashion weeks and unexpected destinations whenever he can.