Sarah Maher reports on “The Model As Muse” exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC


Aluminum conceptual garments from Avant Garde instrument makers, the Baschet brothers,  worn by Donyale Luna in William Klein's 1966 satirical fashion film "Who Are You Polly Magoo?". 

Dear Shaded Viewers,

I attended the press preview for "The Model As Muse" exhibition from The Costume Institute at The Metropolitan Museum of Art today in New York.

The emphasis of the exhibition is on the role of models in fashion and covered various decades, styles, photographers, designers and of course, a multitude of models. 1960's David Bailey photographs of Jean Shrimpton, mannequins in Yves Saint Laurent 70's caftans, 90's grunge, supermodels and that iconic George Michael video flashing on the walls.

Most interesting were the aluminum conceptual garments from Avant Garde instrument makers the Baschet brothers and worn by Donyale Luna in William Klein's 1966 satirical fashion film "Who Are You Polly Magoo?". 

Harold Koda, co-curator of the Exhibition and Director of the Costume Institute


I asked Costume Institute chief and co-curator Harold Koda afterward if he thought models reflected or influenced society. He said that ultimately there is a circle of influence and reflection from all involved in the process but used the example of Verushka's unusual features and body type for that time certainly affecting the 1960's fashion aesthetic and silhouette.
Looking at the life size cut-outs in the entrance I wonder if the elephants in Richard Avedon's "Dovima with Elephants" are also considered muses?

