080 Barcelona day 2.

Dear Shaded Viewers,

Today is the last day of 080 but fashion continues tonight in ModaFAD with the youngest designers of the city, anyway the day started with Gori de Palma who came back with "The age of innocence" after being a time out fashion,

G3 G1

G4_2  G2

after the show I ran to the Showroom to see some of the collections that could not be on the catwalk, the space was great but I think that it would be still better with more buyers… My favourite pieces were made by Juan Vidal who will present his first male collection in El Ego, in Madrid. 

S1 Jeanvidal

Yesterday I didn’ t arrive to the show of Martin Lamothe but this morning I touched all their clothes and loved all of them, I would liked to talk with the designer, Elena, but I didn’ t see her anywhere 🙁 … And finally Serguei Povaguin,  who will be also in El Ego the next week to show his last collection.

S2 S3

and here you have some images from the exhibition of Miriam Ocariz, you can visit it until September 21 in Palau Dalmases, in front of the Museu Picasso.

M2 M4_2

M1 M3

thank you Diane,
