Dear Shaded Viewers,
The skeleton just happens to be in the Dr.’s office next to the Frontline CLub where I am staying. It’s definitely not the campus of Westminster University. You might remember that Matthew Cunnington, the winner of this year’s jury prize at the festival d’Hyeres, and Carri Mundane aka Cassette Playa, were both students of Zowie Broach, Boudicca, and recent graduates of Westminster University.
Zowie Broach aka half of Boudicca, picked me up at the Frontline Club this morning and we went together to Westminster University where her students showed me their work for the Master Class.
Emel Doner – toy felt pieces Lucy Duggan – photo
Gam Ukkachartkul – blue bird Carrie Chan – textile food
black, white and orange – Vikki Hare
After the critic I went to Boudicca for a quiet dinner with Zowie and Brian.