Dear Shaded Viewers,
I was charmed, Glenn Belverio gave a party in my honor last night. The apartment was filled to capacity and aside from I don’t know how many broken glasses, we all had great fun. I did not take very many photos in the end but here are a few.
Glenn Belverio opens the first bottle of champagne, many to follow and Zaldy, the designer and best friend of Miguel Villalobos.
Graham Tabor and Miguel Villalobos
Roxanne Lowit receives an autographed copy of Glenn’s book, Confessions from the Velvet Ropes. Bruce Benderson
Catherine and Vincent Gagliostro and Marcelo Krasilcic
This is for you Antoine, Laine and Johnny Dynell and ChiChi Valente
Absolutely everybody fell under the charm of Miguel Villalobos, Sameer Reddy and Gragham Tabor
I love this photo of best friends Zaldy and Miguel Villalobos, so much sunshine and love. Roxanne and Glenn took more photos than I did so maybe Glenn will post more.