Dear Shaded Viewers and Iqonians,
Vincent Gagliostro was asked to submit a page for our message board.
I am now asking IQONS to submit their questions for the IQONS listed below. There must be something that you are dying to know. We will make a selection of your questions and have them answered in the first edition of IQONS.
Please send your submissions to:
The subjects for your questions and/or artwork are for the featured IQONS:
and also:
The deadline is yesterday if you get my drift….speed is the operative word here. Any questions, if so put them in a comment after this post and I will get back to you asap?
Please send all submissions , questions for IQONS and your news to IQONS , the most interesting will appear in the magazine, IQONS:
Looking forward to hearing from you. If you don’t already have a page on that is easy, sign up now, it is free. We will make a selection of the best contributions from IQONIANS and then put them on the printed page.