Dear Shaded Viewers,
Today I went with Mandi Lennard to visit the beautiful Roksanda Ilincic. Before Roksanda was a designer she studied architecture, her lovely home was designed by her and her husband. Mandi and I stayed for green tea and organic toffee biscuits shaped like the hare and the tortoise.
The indoor pool is amazing, very Lost Highway. Something about this beautiful house made me think of James Goldstein’s house in LA except here it felt like Dan Flavin did the lighting.
Mandi and her black tipped nails
The frame of the couch is made of concrete.
Roksanda’s atelier and pieces of shredded organza.
Roksanda and her sculpture and her beautiful Jil Sander boots.
It was too dark to show you the Japanese style patio. Roksanda’s star is rising, amazing projects in the works….I’ll keep you posted.