Go Go Tales – Abel Ferrera

Dear Shaded Viewers,

Clip l of Go Go Tales by Abel Ferrera.

I’ve been a fan of Abel Ferrera ever since I saw Driller Killer, his 1979 film and then after seeing his 1990 film King of New York, I became addicted to his work . I had the opportunity to meet him a little over a year ago when he was screening his film, Mary in Paris. One of my all time favorite directors is John Cassavettes so to see Abel Ferrera do Go Go Tales as a musical comedy sort of hommage to the 1976 Cassavettes film, Killing of a Chinese Bookie was all too perfect. In my opinion the two directors define independent cinema.

My friend Shanyn Leigh, who plays the role of Dolly in Go Go Tales, invited me to the screening of Abel’s last film, Mary and afterwards I joined her at the party. When I met Abel there I asked him if we could set up an interview before he left town, he agreed but he left town earlier than planned and the interview never did take place. Even for those few moments I got such a kick out of listening to his very powerful, New York, gravelly voice, I was really looking forward to that interview but hopefully it will happen at some other time. I have not seen him since but I spoke with Shanyn last night and she told me about the Go Go Tales clips on youtube. Of course, it gives me a special kick to see Shanyn on the big screen, okay, it was youtube, small screen, but i can imagine the impact on the big screen. Shanyn is the beautiful actress wearing the apricot slip, the one that says “Don’t grab my tit hon.”



Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.