Wills Fashion Week Day 2

Dear Shaded Viewers,


Day l into day 2


Ana Mika

Bounipun by Zubair Kirmani

The last show of the day was given by the first fashion designer of India. Rohit Bal, we met last Spring at the festival d’Hyeres with the other members of the Indian Fashion Design delegation. Rohit is like the Mick Jagger of the Indian fashion world. Before his show he gave a cocktail party. I found that quite surprising but I suppose he felt that all his work was done so why not enjoy himself and meet his public before and after his show.

Rohit Bal before his show

This beautiful couple was at Rohit’s cocktail party.


Before Rohit’s show Robb and I ran into designer Gaurav Gupta. We had all been on a jury a few years ago in Italy and he presents his show in the next few days.


Front Row at the show


Rohit Bal

In between the shows I was interviewed by Manish for his TV show for the Discovery Channel. I think that he said that he has 13 episodes. Robb Young and Robin were also interviewed. Discovery Channel owns all images so no making of shots allowed.

Rohit threw an after party at his new fantastic club. Thing is I was too tired to wait anylonger for our driver and opted for a bubble bath and my bed. The others went, enjoyed themselves and did not get home before the sunrise.

Robb Young



Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.