Super 8 series – interview with Jean-Jacques Picart

Super 8 has driven all around Paris during fashion week with the special Intersection + Honda car customized Eley Kishimoto (CRZ Hybrid) to interview some fashion protagonists on how can be conciliated a radical fashion vision and commercial success.

This intervew with fashion & luxury consultant Jean Jacques Picart that happened just before the Carven show will be soon followed by the points of view of designers (Charlie le Mindu, Manish Arora…) and store owners (Armand Hadida from L'Eclaireur, Romain Brau from RA and Maria Louisa).

Production : Rafael Jimenez, Super 8 & artdicted agency

Topic & interviews : David Herman

Directors : Astrid de Cazalet & Richard Mothes

Music : Rikslyd