Mario Canal: Louis Vuitton Restaurant in Canton

Dear Diane, dear shaded viewers,
Let me show you a funny thing that I found on my first night in Guangzhou: the fake Louis Vuitton resto. Well, the place is amazing, you can choose your seafood as in a market and then eat it in the salon.
Let me show you first why I call this place the fake LV restaurant:
This is a table on the window side. You know that China is the heart of fake brands, but this goes too far: just love it.
Message for Mr. Arnault: i am not going to tell you where this restaurant is… Unless you pay me for it. yes, I am blackmailing one of the most powerful men on the planet earth, and I find it superb!
So, the fish market side of the restaurant is like this:
Let’s have a closer look at the food on offer -Nothing related to LV or Mr. Arnault here-. Sorry if you are one of those viewers with a sensitive stomach…
And well, let me finish with my arrival to the Canton airport. After a pleasant and relaxing 13 hours trip in business class, I noticed that may be my t-shirt was not exactly the most appropiate one for landing in communist China -laughs-.
Now, I am in Hong Kong: I will show you interesting things from here too…

Love to Diane and all the Viewers>>>mario<

Mario Canal

Arts writer and art curator. Spaniard from Madrid with Parisian accent. Used to steal my sister's magazines but fashion is elsewhere now. It's something else. Trying to figure this out while putting new creative projects together.