joan jonas & david shrigley at yvon lambert by nn

joan jonas is maybe the most influential performance artist from the 60’s. jonas’ installation at lambert was first presented as a performance at dia: beacon in 2005. it finds its inspiration in the writing of aby warburg and the rituals of the hopi native american tribe. what’s on display right now are all the elements that make up the performance: videos, props, drawings. jonas’ videos have sometimes this very absurd and funny aspect to them even though it’s not part of the artist’s will.
don’t miss david shrigley’s video at the studio of the gallery. well-known for his drawings, shrigley goes animated. after having done video clips for blur or very short animation for museums, he now treats us with a rather funny tale of a lost, unbalanced and anti-social guy in “who i am and what i want” who finally finds out that there’s no place like the swamp…nn