Celebrating Gender Equity in the Olympics with 4 The Walk. by Eliya Weinstein





Dear Shaded viewers,

4 The Walk is a brand dedicated to celebrating female athletes, promoting and supporting them as global influencers of individuality and confidence. Each woman has their own story and as a result a distinct style. 4 The Walk’s merchandise is thoughtfully designed to honor this and to give each individual their moment to shine. There’s no better time than the Paris 2024 Olympics to present this marriage between fashion and athleticism, thus 4 The Walk presented a fashion show, PARiTY, to spotlight female Olympians and Paralympians. Four-time Olympian Angela Ruggiero teamed up with Creative Director and Fashion Industry Expert Phoebe Mackay to make 4 The Walk and PARiTY possible.

The Paris 2024 Olympics marks the first Olympic games with equal participation of male and female athletes, a significant advance from the Paris 1900 Olympics where only 22 athletes were female according to the International Olympic Committee. 24 past Olympic and Paralympic competitors with a combined 40 Olympic medals between them were invited to collaborate with 4 The Walk to create their runway looks, together with Guillaume Boulez, that represent who they are as individuals. The looks were a combination of 4 The Walk’s signatures and designer pieces. 4 The Walk’s vision is for its merchandise to make fans feel more connected with their favourite competitors, and to inspire the young minds of girls and boys who are starting their journeys at any level of sports.  As the first runway in Paris to feature only female athletes, from all over the world at that, PARiTY highlights the influence and importance of female athletes within the fashion industry. The quality of authenticity cannot be understated in the future of fashion.

The milestone of gender equity at the Olympics was celebrated in partnership with The Coca-Cola Company, with Intel + Visa, at the Coca-Cola House in Paris. Madame Gandhi Dj-ed live music, capturing both the vibrant energy and the emotionality in the message behind the runway.

