Iris Van Herpen AW ‘22 Couture – Savoring Sensuality in Meta-Morphism “A Butterfly’s Dream”

Dear Shaded Viewers,

What does it mean when you see butterflies in your dreams?

Grasp its delicate nature, the sensual intricacies,

I once read they say dreams are a projection of our emotions in color,

A vision —an augmented reality of our feelings…

Shame, a woven delicacy, perfectionism in biodegradable webs of desire,

Touch it with your eyes or you might miss it, loot at the 3D lace,

Never clear, yet omnipresent.

The butterfly dream fades, morphs into a languid daydream,

She drifts, over the water, her reflection, a reflection cast back on to her

Like a coat, Narcissus, are you loosing yourself? Where are your wings?

A dark wispy thing drapes over you, a face remains…

You open your eyes, but its still a dream, you see a face—

A heartache bubbles up within,

But its love, love so silky white, it envelops you, a force that transforms this time

The light dims, your heartbeat slows and you feel the warmth of the morning sun.

This time you really open your eyes, you’re awake but your dream, so vivid as it was,

You’re not actually sure it even happened, 

So you get up and stretch, rub your eyes…

There before you, in all its magnificence, stands Casey Curran’s sculpture!

A blooming being, magnetic and forever conjuring.

Thank you for showing us new frontiers as always, allowing us to dream with our eyes open, and allowing us to question the limits of our self, it was an absolute pleasure!



Nafiseh Soolari

Nafiseh Soolari is a creative consultant, writer and photographer— "I love translating the beauty I see in all the moments around me, people, places, things; and I aspire to share my vision: to create a single moment for me and you to connect and realize what this amazing world has to offer..."