Anonyme, Apparition dans un jardin, vers 1875 – 1880. Collection Christophe Goeury.

Noémie Goudal, Satellite I, 2014. Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie Les Filles du Calvaire

Gilleam Trapenberg, Big Papi

Luigi Ghirri per Marazzi © Eredi Luigi Ghirri Courtesy Marazzi

Luo Yang, Xiao Jie, 2019. Série « Youth » (2019-). Avec l’autorisation de l’artiste.

© Juliette-Andréa Elie, série Fire scapes, 2021.

Yosef Joseph Yaakov Dadoune, Ronit Elkabetz incarnation de SION, Mu- sée du Louvre, Paris 2006. © ADAGP. Courtesy Galerie Le Minotaure & Galerie Alain Le Gaillard.

Jacqueline Picasso, Picasso à La Californie, avec profil de Jacqueline, 1956 © Collection Jacqueline Picasso / Adagp, Paris, 2021 © Succession Picasso 2021.

Antoine Schneck, Mariam Diallo

Eric Antoine, Rose

Chris Faust, Chicago 609 © Chris Faust

Manon Martsch, Einsichten in Aussichten, 2021.

Fred Cave / Joe Cave / Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques, Zero Player, 2021.

Erwan Venn, Love boat soon will be making another run, 2021. © Erwan Venn. Courtesy Galerie GP & N Vallois, Paris.

Elsa & Johanna, Sarracenia Leucophylla, de la série Palace Odyssée, 2020. Courtesy Galerie La Forest Divonne.

Caroline Corbasson, Pollen, 2021.

Marguerite Bornhauser, Étoile rétine © Marguerite Bornhauser

François Ronsiaux, United Land #17.

Philippe Calandre, Utopie 1.

Léon & Lévy, La prière au désert dans le Sahara algérien, vers 1900. © Léon & Lévy / Roger-Viollet.

Observatoire de l’Espace; CNES; Ballon stratosphérique; gélatine argentique; photographie; altération photographique; archive spatiale ; art contemporain ; art contemporain

© delpire & co, 2021.

Avec l’autorisation de la Librairie des Alpes.

© Bandini 2021 Sébastien Girard, A1 © Sébastien Girard et Les Bouquinistes, 2021.

CANADA. Montreal. Expo 67. Canadian Pulp and Paper Pavilion.

Satomi Nihongi © Komiyama Co.Ltd
Dear Shaded Viewers,
Photo Saint Germain welcomes a new President: Benoît Sapiro from the Minotaure gallery, who takes over from Christophe Lunn who has supported the festival since 2015, as well as a new General Secretary: Valérie Fougeirol. Accompanied by these dynamic forces, PhotoSaintGermain continues its historical and prospective work, making room for emerging talents as well as the most recognized artists in the history of photography. Several new exhibitions and projects have also been designed by the PhotoSaintGermain team. You will be able to push open the door of the Sasori Bar, inspired by the legendary Kodoji Bar, a secret, underworld place where Tokyo photographers used to meet, discover Fantographies at the Maison d’Auguste Comte, stroll in front of the boxes of the Bandini Books publishing house, and walk between René Burri’s Imaginary Pyramids on the banks of the Seine.
PhotoSaintGermain has a programme of meetings and debates for this new year and has, for the first time, entrusted the curator and editor Inès de Bordas with the production of a podcast. It is their interest in books and publishing practices, which has been central to their work for many years and has led them to take up the challenge of producing a podcast.
For this edition, PhotoSaintGermain ventures to the right bank to meet a new generation of publishers, booksellers and collectors who are profoundly renewing the links between the image and the book object.
Aurélia Marcadier has a background in art history. After 6 years of experience in the gallery world, she co-founded in 2013 the TEMPLE structure dedicated to emerging contemporary photography and publishing. In 2015, she took over the management of the PhotoSaintGermain festival with Virginie Huet, which she has been running alone since January 2020.
Diane Pernet
A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.