UBIQUITY, SENSATIONS OF THE 21ST CENTURY… Photographs by David Godichaud based on a project with Géraldine Postel.

Dear Shaded Viewers,

If we considered that gift of ubiquity was a new movement, it’s a perfect moment to emphasize this idea with virtual spaces. Photographer David Godichaud and Geraldine Postel performed a photo session inspired by their respective insights and that illustrates a timely situation.

Dress Lutz – Eye necklace Yaz Bukey – Oculus

This series of silver print photographs raises environmental issues along with the desire to freeze constantly moving landscapes and the way we evolve into them : advertising billboards left over, floating cranes in the sky like perfect surroundings for gaming perspectives, new ways of communications… It’s a travel through spaces and times, apprehending the sensation of the gift of ubiquity, simultaneously being in the Now, in VR. The future being a constant perspective in mind.

OCULUS _ combinaison Nouvelle Affaire

The idea was to gather all elements that could link new technologies with post-industrial spaces left over harbor areas like giant and countless piles of colorful iron containers, landscapes filled with aesthetically exciting constructions or deconstructed sites… Le Havre was the perfect spot! Le Havre, a future extension of the city Paris…!?

Dress John Galliano for Martin Margiela – AGL shoes

On the other end, the society we are living in looks more and more like a game, social ascensions, illusional stories filtered on Instagram, a video game, NFT, Metaverses,… New technological projects emerging one after the other will make the real turn of the 21st century for sure.

Dress Lutz – AGL shoes – Oculus

Oculus – Eye Necklace by Yaz Bukey, Overall Nouvelle Affaire

Changes of characters, incarnations of a gamer, a winner, a struggler, a hero, a loser or a dreamer lead us today to the introduction of Geraldine’s first avatar. The first silhouette is memorizing this exceptional experience of a first collaboration with the largest photogrammetric studio in France “DIGITAGE”.

Dress Lutz – AGL shoes – Oculus

Dress/coat Lutz – Eye Neclace Yaz Bukey –
leggings Nao Okawa for Le Coq Sportif – AGL shoes


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Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.