ORLAN is one of the most famous internationally known french artists.
She was born in Saint-Étienne, France.
She lives and works between Paris, Los Angeles and New York.
(ORLAN is written each letter in capital)
She creates sculptures, photographs, performances, videos, and videogames, augmented reality, using scientific and medical technics like surgery and biogenetic. Those are only mediums for her, the idea prevails and the materiality pursues.
ORLAN makes her own body the medium, the raw material, and the visual support of her work. It takes place as the “public debate”. She is a major figure of the body art and of “carnal art” as she used to define it in her 1989 manifesto.
Her commitment and her liberty are an integral part of her work. She defends innovative, interrogative and subversive positions, in her entire artwork. ORLAN changes constantly and radically the datas, which disrupt conventions, and “ready-made thinking”. She is opposed to the natural determinism, social and politic and to all domination forms, male supremacy, religion, cultural segregation and racism, etc.
Always mixed with humor, often-on parody or even grotesque, her provocative artworks can shock because she shakes up the pre-established codes.
ORLAN won the E-reputation award, designating the most observed and followed artist on the Web. https://www.orlan.eu/
Sculptor, photographer, video artist, she is known for her “surgical-performances”. At 74, ORLAN turns to writing and tells her story in Strip-tease, the book of a woman and a committed artist.
It’s quite simple, it all starts at the beginning. By an arrival in her tribe, in the world, in the centre of the world. “I did not arrive in New York, Paris, Beirut, China, Honolulu, Vaduz, Luzon, Dakar, Johannesburg, in an Amazonian forest or in Dubai… I was not born into a large family of aristocrats or artists, with a silver spoon in my mouth, nor was I born into a family of peasants in Mongolia, nor on a beach in the Bahamas, nor among the Dogons, nor among the Mayans or near a pyramid, nor among extremist believers. e.s extremists…”