Dear Shaded Viewers,
Life is changing in the fashion world as we all know. The industry is trying to figure out how to show their collections online. Is it a temporary fix? Or is it something that may continue? Choosing to carve their own path Gucci and Saint Laurent have chosen to show at their own pace and I imagine many other designers will follow their lead. In the meantime FNL Network steps in and wants to propose a new opportunity for designers. I received the press release but it was not enough for me I wanted to know more.
DP: How exactly are you innovating fashion week?
RLG: The four fashion major weeks, Paris, Milan, London, and New York, are choosing to stay with the traditional fashion week format. These fashion week outlets will be creating a similar expression and feel for these designers, while also charging them to do so. They are then going to send out the material to all the press outlets, and the press outlets have to decide what they want to do with it. FNL Network IS a global press outlet, so we are essentially cutting out the middle-man. We are equalizing the playing field on a global level for designers around the world. This industry is all about the people you know, in order for designers to show through any of the big four fashion weeks, you have to know someone. It is not easily accessible. And the truth is, even when you get in, it still doesn’t mean that your designs will be seen globally, around the world. By a designer coming to us, we are streamlining the process of fashion week and we’re making it accessible to everyone. We are rewriting the rules of fashion week by giving designers the creative freedom to showcase their collections. We are eliminating the middlemen, saving the designers a lot of money, and giving them an opportunity on a global platform to have their collection or product showcased. It’s something no one has ever done before, and it’s exciting that FNL Network is the first to give designers this chance, to create and express themselves for a bigger audience than ever before.
DP: You say you are the first ever International Digital Fashion Week, what is groundbreaking about what you are proposing? How is it different than, for example, what the Federation of Haute Couture is planning to do with AI, AR, fashion interviews, showrooms, films, etc?
RLG: There is no comparison. We are creating something that has never been done before. We are allowing designers from all across the globe to participate and express themselves in a globally broadcasted format. International Digital Fashion Week is truly the first of its kind, and it will change the culture of fashion week entirely for the future.
DP: What exactly is non-traditional about what you are proposing?
RLG: Traditionally, designers showcase their collections via the runway, and it’s then distributed to different outlets to be seen. The IDFW platform is encouraging and accepting avant-garde forms of fashion creativity. Designers from all around the world can showcase their collections in any form of representation they choose. FNL Network will then approve the content, as long as the showcase is done in a professional manner, and it will be available for people all around the world to watch and become inspired. Fashion Week is not about the runway show anymore, it’s about the identity behind the designs and a way for others to connect with the collections. This is the new era of the industry. Designers now have the opportunity and freedom to express fashion in a whole new form of creative outlet.
DP: Video runways, for example, is this like something Angel Chen did last season or Giorgio Armani showing without an audience, can you be more specific?
RLG: Video runways are great, it’s an awesome way for designers to easily showcase their work. But IDFW is not looking for the easy route. The beauty behind Fashion Week has always been about the idea of expression and inspiration. Designers can make their collections represent a feeling, a political view, a way of life, etc. but it’s always showcased in the form of the runway. This leaves minimal space for the designer to portray that feeling or expression to their audience. IDFW is challenging the way we view fashion, we want people to see beyond the look. That’s why we are encouraging designers to step out of the box by creating more than just video runways, like fashion films, collection documentaries, digitally enhanced collection showcases, animation films and so much more. We want designers to get as creative as possible with their collections and we are open to any and all creative displays of fashion.
DP: How is designer interviews, etc. revolutionary and different than what already exists?
RLG: We are not going to be doing designer interviews. In fact, FNL Network won’t be doing any production for the submissions. That’s one of the things that makes IDFW so unique, the creativity is in the designers hands entirely. FNL Network will review and approve professional-looking submissions and then their creations will be broadcasted globally for people all over the world to see.
DP: I am trying to understand when you say FNL Network is the first and only TV network to create a digitally broadcasted global fashion week how you differ then what has already existed.
RLG: FNL Network is a TV channel and accessible globally, anytime, anywhere. IDFW is not dedicated to one city like the four major fashion weeks. International Digital Fashion Week will be accessible to anyone in the world with Roku TV, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, iOS devices, and Android devices. There is no invitation required. Fashion weeks are business to business. IDFW is cutting out the middle-man and allowing designers to do business straight with the consumer. By watching IDFW, the consumer can then purchase what they just saw and buy whatever items they like directly from the designer.
There is no other outlet like IDFW. No other globally broadcasted outlet is doing what we are doing. International Digital Fashion Week is essentially selling trends directly to the customers as they are sitting on the couch. This IS the fashion revolution. It IS the future and we ARE revolutionizing the industry right here, right now.
FNL Network can be found on every Smart TV, and Samrt device globally by clicking on this link https://linktr.ee/fnlnetwork
If you are a designer and want to know more about IDFW you can e mail: idfw@rlgproductions. com.