Glenn Belverio’s Birthday Celebration at Forlini’s in NYC, January 11, 2019. Photos by Drew Gardner


Dear Shaded Viewers,

This past Friday I was blessed by the company of my friends to celebrate my birthday at Forlini’s, an old-school red sauce joint in Chinatown that opened circa 1943 and is famous for its lunching judges (the courthouse is across the street).

My official event photographer, Drew Gardner, took these terrific shots. Interestingly, because my crowd is so engaged in fascinating conversations and conviviality, no one remembered to take photos of the food. However, since I eat here all the time, I can vouch for its no-nonsense deliciousness: my favorites are fried calamari, baked clams, eggplant parmigiana and the amatriciana sauce.

The evening started with a cocktail hour in Forlini’s lively bar…


Writer Katie Degentesh.


Renaissance man Mark Morgan Pérez and writer Ben Shields.


MoMA Design Store’s Josh Casey.


MoMA Design Store’s Chay Costello.


Ben, Studio 54 legend Snoogy Brown, Carly and Katie.


Fashion writer and curator Alexis Romano.


Alexis and graphic designer Tracy Leung.


Me anxiously awaiting the next Negroni.


Nancy waxes poetic over her Tito’s martini with Carly as Katie serves fierce Charlotte Rampling realness.


Josh, fashion designer Nile Cmylo and Snoogy.

Alenia and Tracy.


Writer Joselle Yokogawa processes whatever shocking news Mark is delivering.


After cocktails, we moved to the back dining room for dinner.


Carly and Snoogy are always ready for their closeup.


Photographer Catherine Talese and writer Corey Sabourin.


I finally get to catch up with Suzanne Batmanghelichi as our super waiter Mike looks on.


It just isn’t a party until someone whips out the “air quotes.”


Artist Dana Schein, Josh and Snoogy.


After we finished our main courses and were waist-deep in Barbera d’Asti, a mysterious Dr. Zhivago girl appeared at the door of our room. “Are you here for Glenn’s party?” our waiter Mike asked. She continued to stare longingly at our table before Mike said, “Well, whatya waiting for? It’s right here!” We invited her for some wine and chitchat but never really figured out who she was.


Photo: Ben Shields

Well, this was my first time sampling a luscious slab of Forlini’s famous ricotta and cream-cheese cake and it was beyond divoon. I should have hogged it all for myself but instead I passed it down the table where it quickly vanished into thin air.

Thank you Forlini’s and friends for making this a fantastic birthday.


Glenn Belverio

Glenn Belverio

Glenn Belverio is a writer and New Yorker. He has been reporting for ASVOF since 2005 and currently works at The Museum of Modern Art as the Content Manager for MoMA Design Store.