Dear Diane, dear Shaded Viewers,
There was a lot of expectation to witness the arrival of New York's Independet Art Fair in Brussels. They already have a gallery space here that serves them as HQ that also private galleries around world use to be present in this city, that's undoubtly a main art(market) center in Europe.
I'd like to underline the presence in Independent of Jocelyn Wolff/Cahn who brought a sort of ancient art exhibition with an anthropology museum taste, very impressive. And also the non-presence in the fair of Almine Reich, who gave her space to curatorial collective Le Salon which presented a very colorfull and striking cat-trees mini exhibition including artist such as John Armleder.
In general the quality is very good and the spaces that host the fair (an office building in the center of the city) very well managed and inclussive.
Let's see what Poppositions, one of the other fairs in twon this week besides Art Brussels, YIA, Off Course and Independent itself, has tu offer.
I'll keep you posted.