A sculpture of a nude woman kneeling down, curiously merged with a cubic speaker, is in the middle of the gallery and the cubic speaker extricates a soundrack signed by Air. The totally black sculpture is on a massive black block.
The art work is musical with an electronic music system inside the existing block which will enable its future owner to appreciate his/her personal playlist.
The title of Air rising from the cubic speaker sounds like a smooth and melancholy ballad, a siren song comes with a stirring piano composition.The musical genre fits perfectly with the whole universe of Linda.
(The buyer will have the privilage of posessing this exclusive record lasting 10 minutes via a bluetooth function and a remote control to complete the double functionality of the oeuvre).
Spectators contemplate 12 numbered photographs, backed with an aluminum sheet of 80×80 cm. Nude women in movement, dancing to the rhythm of the psychedelic soundtrack, parts of their bodies blurred by the speed effect, create confusion between the shadows and the real material. A dark majesty emanates from the pieces, their nudity reminds one of the Amazons and Egyptian goddesses.