Nor Autonom Partisan 12 -02B ENTITY – nine one-off metal masks Photos by Mathias Sterner

Argentum Nor Autonom Entity Photographer Mathias Sterner 4
Aurum Nor Autonom Entity Photographer Mathias Sterner 7
Dear Shaded Viewers,

In my last post I showed you Nor Autonom designed by Nicolas Olivier Richard who,in addition to the clothing line Partisan, he created nine one-off metal masks. Nicolas Olivier Richard has worked extensively with strong natural materials and the material structure has played a crucial role in the design. With the clothes,the lines are pretty basic with details and features that are a bit more advanced. Nicolas thinks that the metal masks are part of the DNA of the brand as his intention with Nor Autonom was to build a conceptual world that grows organically, each garment has its own identity but none the less is a part of the whole story. 

"Nor Autonom isn't defined by the clothes, instead the clothes are defined by Nor AUTONOM. 

Stannum Nor Autonom Entity  photographer Mathias Sterner 1
Sulphur Nor Autonom Entity Photographer Mathias Sterner 9



Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.