Dear Diane, Shaded Viewers
First of all i would like to thank Diane to be part of the asvof contributors 😉
Here is a short interview of young Jonathan Liang i met during Kuala Lampur Fashion Week who won there the talent MIFA contest.
I had a total crush for his work and energy!
Why Fashion ?
I studied fine arts in KL and have always loved drawing, when one day i decided to put my drawings into shapes so i could see my art pieces come to life!
How did you chose to come to Paris?
One day i woke up and decided to move, and Paris is an all time must stop for a fashion designer, everything starts here, and i had the chance to win the Carnet de mode contest 2011 so i decided to stay !
Where would be your next stop?
NYC! because i grew up with the american culture influence so i guess it's natural… plus that's where the real scene for young -asian- designers takes place.
What's your favorite quotation?
"Be big in your job be small as