Bruce La Bruce at La Fresh Gallery Madrid for – Fad Fix


Rossy de Palma by Bruce La Bruce

Dear Diane and Dear Shaded Viewers,


The new exhibition at the La Fresh Gallery in Madrid- "OBSCENITY" is by Canadian artist and film Director, Bruce LaBruce. "Obscenity" offers a variety of images, some gentle, some romantic, some grotesque, all attempt to refine and redefine the nature of the fetish and the taboo, to sanctify this imagery and position it more closely to godliness. The lives of the saints are full of ecstatic acts of sublimated sexuality that are expressed in the most startlingly sexual and perverse ways. As an artist whose work has been routinely confiscated by customs since the 1980's and stamped with the judgment "obscenity", LaBruce is well informed about the territory – taboo. His last movie was judged to be obscene and banned from the entire continent of Australia, but LaBruce continues to produce work that ignores boundaries and defies censorship. Santo the Obscene, is his new film that he plans to shoot next year in Spain, will be no exception to his approach.

Fad Fix

Pablo Rivero by Bruce La Bruce


Alaska by Bruce La Bruce




Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.