Ryan Gosling On Demand.–Jessica Trent

Dear Diane, Dear Shaded Viewers, 



Here in the US of A, Time Warner Cable is creating a Ryan Gosling "On-Demand" Channel for digital cable subscribers in the month of February. AKA Valentines Month.  With a click of the remote, we can have Ryan Gosling in our home at any time, day or night. Pretty darned genius marketing move and what a happy Valentines Day for many people they've made.

As the Hollywood Reporter notes, "The all-Gosling lineup of films includes The Notebook – catnip for the actor's devoted female fanbase who pine for him in the 2004 romantic weepie — as well as 2010's Crazy, Stupid Love, for which he's shirtless half the time, and The Ides of March, co-starring George Clooney."

I admit I have seen "The Notebook" more times than I can count (its the story….it gets me every time), and I thought he was entirely brilliant in "Blue Valentine." I also admit I've not seen any of his latest 2011 films, but I intend to.

Well, thats the news from Hollywoodland!


