As Vincnent Gagliostro and I were leaving Pulse and attempting to hail a taxi, a woman came up to us and said I know you are staying next to me, would you like a ride back to your hotel. After spending much too much money on taxi's today, Vincent and I happily said sure. Well the trip turned into quite the saga, we were in the car with a woman, an art collector and consultant, two of her children, her husband and a 24 year old client. The driver of the car was 19 terribly sweet but did not seem to have any sense of orientation, we were going in circules for over an hour and at one point Vincent and I had thought perhaps we'd been abducted. Of course that was far from reality, it was just someone trying to do us a good turn.
I had great plans for the evening but jet lag kicked in and I'm too exhausted to do anything but stay in and pack. My longest trip ever starts tomorrow morning when I leave the hotel at 6h.