Anthony Maule, a young fashion photographer who was born in Bath, England, approaches the visual language in a way that is as much experimental as it is aggressively suggestive. Playing with various mediums while creating his works, Anthony doesn't believe in the lines within which one must exist in order to succeed at their particular profession. Instead, he prescribes an organic rebellion that, if reduced to mere words, would read "Do whatever you want to satiate your creative desire and human response to your environment." Immediately responding to the idea of Contemporary without a moment of contemplation, the series is both bold and direct in its statement and quite clear in its point of view. In the images found throughout Anthony's issue, you will find works that include appropriated art as well as the distortion of Anthony's own photography. A provocative response to the state of perfection that we've somehow arrived at within the visual language most commonly used in fashion today.
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