Sylvia Toledano _Art and Bags


Laurent Mercier, Vix Foster and Sylvia Toledano

Dear Shaded Viewers,

I met Sylvia Toledano at the Rick Owens Michele Lamy party the end of last month. She was with Vix Foster who I know for more than a decade. Vix could not stop talking about Sylvia's bags so of course I wanted to see them.

DP: You studied fashion at Studio Bercot when did you decide to concentrate on accessories?

ST: It's a long story, I first I graduated with a Master of Law, then I went to Studio Bercot, then I worked at Drouot, Paris, then….I became a painter. I made oil on canvas for a long time doing exhibitions and auction sales. At the end of 2007, I began my clutch collection which is a mix of paintings and fashion, I really enjoy it.

ST & Masomenos 1-4 LR

DP: What is the first step you take once you've chosen the theme of the collection?

LT: Sketching comes first, then I mix my colors and assemble my crystals to create my "images". I do not work by seasonsI am always drawing and follow my intemporel messages; then every prototype is hand made with love in Paris.

Eye 2 Eye - Gold

DP: How do you work with Swarovski?

LT: It isn't work, it is a pleasure. They have the most magnificent crystals on the planet and they always have new and wonderful colors. It is difficult not be inspired.

Lace (2)

DP: I noticed the one bag with the two dogs, if someone had a specific idea like they wanted their mother or lover in one of your designs, would you consider their order?

ST: I love making limited editions, it was one of my first ideas when I began the minaudiere project. It is like an extension of the woman's personality that I try to put in her hand. Every woman is unique. I am against fashion victims, individuality is so much more interesting and has no end, no season. Intemporality is the sum of fashion.

Wallis-Palis Royal BR

ST: It was natural for me to collaborate with Didier Ludot, he is so Parisian and I like his cultural approach to fashion. For the 10th year of the Little Black Dress we made this minaudiere called Wallis (in honor of the Duchess of Windsor) which is a drawing of the two little bulldogs of Didier Ludot and Felix Farrington. At the beginning it was just funny but when I wear this clutch (there are only 13 in the world), I am proud that I wear a symbol and a story. I do make special orders and unique pieces, it is by appointment. It is my haute couture, I propose a special drawing and give the price.<

Red Panther - Gold

DP: How many pieces of each design do you produce and where do you produce?

LT: It depends, some of the designs are made in different tones. My concept is one shape, one price, and I hope, thousands of designs. I get the crystals from Austria, then they are crystallized by hand in our own atelier in South East Asia.

Snaaake (2)

WonderStar 2 - B

DP: Can you talk a bit about your inspirations?

ST: My inspiration comes from spiritual messages, peaceful, happy, funny or lucky symbols.

Love - Silver

DP: How did your DJ collaboration come about?

ST: This was a meeting "coup de coeur" after visiting this tiny and eccentric shop on rue du mont thabor, I met with Joan of the Masomenos tandem: they are young and very talented. Working with the was very enriching as were the drawings about the third eye, psychedelics…

DP: Any future collaborations that you can talk about?

ST: I have a beautiful meeting but it is too early to mention. I love collaboration, it is new blood, I am like a fashion vampire.

DP: What is the price point of the clutch?

ST: Prices range from 900 EUROS for the collection pieces, 1,200 EUROS for limited editions and 1,400 EUROS for personalized initials.

DP: Thank you.

ST: It was a pleasure.



Diane Pernet

A LEGENDARY FIGURE IN FASHION and a pioneer of blogging, Diane is a respected journalist, critic, curator and talent-hunter based in Paris. During her prolific career, she designed her own successful brand in New York, costume designer, photographer, and filmmaker.